There is no region in Armenia for which our engineering team has not designed roads and streets, not to mention highways that connect the entire country.
The Western Ring Road of Yerevan is a four-lane urban highway with continuous traffic flow and lighting, with divided interchanges.
Arshakunyats Avenue - reconstruction and widening of the last road section
Artashat Highway - reconstruction and widening
Expansion of Shirak Street
Construction of Davitashen-Ashtarak road
Construction of the Babajanyan-Ashtarak road junction
LLC "DorProject Institute", as a sub-consultant of Egis International, conducted all necessary field studies, including topographic, geological, traffic and engineering surveys along the project roads and adjacent areas.
LLC "DorProject Institute" carried out the detailed design of the above-mentioned road sections, including street lighting with LED lamps along the entire length of the road and 8 interchanges with separate traffic flows.
The construction of the first section of Arshakunyats Avenue was completed in 2015 and is currently under maintenance. This section was designed with street lighting poles on both sides of the avenue.
Our company has been in the road construction market since 1960, and all this time design and supervision have been our main services. There are no regions in Armenia where our team of engineers has not carried out road projects, not to mention the highways that connect the whole country (e.g., the North-South Highway).
We are constantly improving and developing our expertise. For example, during project supervision, our team notes any comments that arise and takes this information into account in the next projects. In addition, our engineers regularly monitor technological changes, methodologies, new developments, and knowledge in the road industry and apply these to their projects. This enables us to provide our customers with the opportunity to build safer, more durable, cheaper, and higher quality roads, streets, and transport facilities.