​Road construction and reconstruction projects

​Calculation of road pavements

​Preparation of project documentation for obtaining construction permits, ensuring compliance with all necessary standards and regulations

​Supervision of project implementation at all stages of construction, ensuring quality and adherence to deadlines

​Each project begins with data collection and analysis of client requirements, after which our team moves on to concept development and design. We pay particular attention to innovative and sustainable solutions to ensure that each project meets our high-quality standards and satisfies our clients' needs. 

​The department's specialists are responsible for the design of various types of roads, including

​Urban and rural roads




​Widening and reconstruction of existing road sections

​Crossroads and intersections

​Parking facilities


​Our design departments for various elements and components of road and transport infrastructure are not only places where projects are created, but also where our specialists and engineers hone their skills and gain new experience. We are constantly learning and keeping abreast of the latest design trends in order to stay at the forefront of the industry and provide our clients with the most innovative and efficient solutions. 

​We are proud of our team and our achievements as this is one of our key competitive advantages. We will continue to invest in our team and technology to maintain our market leadership. 

​I want to work in the motorway department! 

​​Why should you choose the DorProject Institute for design?

​​Our company has been in the road construction market since 1960, and all this time design and supervision have been our main services. There are no regions in Armenia where our team of engineers has not carried out road projects, not to mention the highways that connect the whole country (e.g., the North-South Highway).

​​We are constantly improving and developing our expertise. For example, during project supervision, our team notes any comments that arise and takes this information into account in the next projects. In addition, our engineers regularly monitor technological changes, methodologies, new developments, and knowledge in the road industry and apply these to their projects. This enables us to provide our customers with the opportunity to build safer, more durable, cheaper, and higher quality roads, streets, and transport facilities.