As a company responsible for the design and construction of infrastructure, we are responsible for activities that can have a significant negative impact on the environment.
Our environmental policy is of paramount importance. In addition to complying with environmental legislation and carrying out regular environmental assessments, we have identified key areas where we will focus our efforts.
From the earliest stages of planning and throughout the design process, our specialists pay close attention to minimizing the impact on the environment and topography. They take many measures to achieve this goal, such as taking into account the characteristics of the terrain, seeking optimal technical solutions that preserve the landscape and topography, and using materials and technologies that do not cause damage. For example, when designing transport infrastructure in mountainous areas, we use technologies that allow us to preserve vegetation and maintain slope stability. We also take into account the presence of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water to avoid disturbing their ecosystems.
We are fully aware of the dangers associated with the growing problem of unsustainable resource consumption. As part of our efforts to combat this problem, we strive to use material recycling to minimize the need for new resources. This allows us to use existing resources and reduce our impact on the environment. For example, we recycle materials that have already been used to make new ones.
We strive to prevent or minimize any harmful emissions from our construction activities, including
Our goal is to integrate a non-linear type of economy into our operations, based on the principle of evaluating the life cycle of products, services, waste, materials, water, and energy. Within this objective, we prioritize.
DorProject Institute is committed to the principles of rational water use. In our core activities, such as project design and construction, our specialists regularly assess the risks and impacts related to the use of water resources. We identify opportunities to promote their efficient use, reduce water stress and minimize wastewater discharges.
During our surveying and construction activities, we regularly interact with various ecosystems that may be altered by our actions. We therefore strive to maintain a balance between the development of transport infrastructure and the preservation of biodiversity (forests, flora and fauna, areas of ecological or scientific interest). This is achieved primarily through physical protection, transplantation or relocation, and respect for the life cycles of the plant and animal species concerned. We also implement preventive measures to minimize the environmental impact of construction projects and processes.
As part of our environmental policy, we place a strong emphasis on environmental education. This process involves informing employees, customers, partners, and subcontractors about the importance of environmental protection and how our company's practices align with these values. By promoting environmental education and awareness, we aim to foster a culture of environmental responsibility that extends beyond the workplace to society at large.
The commitments made in each of these areas are applied in our daily operations.
By implementing technologies that reduce the environmental impact of road transport infrastructure, adhering to environmental standards and promoting environmental education and awareness, we are reducing our environmental footprint and contributing to a more sustainable future.
Our company has been in the road construction market since 1960, and all this time design and supervision have been our main services. There are no regions in Armenia where our team of engineers has not carried out road projects, not to mention the highways that connect the whole country (e.g., the North-South Highway).
We are constantly improving and developing our expertise. For example, during project supervision, our team notes any comments that arise and takes this information into account in the next projects. In addition, our engineers regularly monitor technological changes, methodologies, new developments, and knowledge in the road industry and apply these to their projects. This enables us to provide our customers with the opportunity to build safer, more durable, cheaper, and higher quality roads, streets, and transport facilities.
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