​Our environmental policy is of paramount importance. In addition to complying with environmental legislation and carrying out regular environmental assessments, we have identified key areas where we will focus our efforts.

​Minimizing the impact on the environment and topography 

​From the earliest stages of planning and throughout the design process, our specialists pay close attention to minimizing the impact on the environment and topography. They take many measures to achieve this goal, such as taking into account the characteristics of the terrain, seeking optimal technical solutions that preserve the landscape and topography, and using materials and technologies that do not cause damage. For example, when designing transport infrastructure in mountainous areas, we use technologies that allow us to preserve vegetation and maintain slope stability. We also take into account the presence of rivers, lakes and other bodies of water to avoid disturbing their ecosystems. 

​​I would like to work at the DorProject Institute!

​​Why should you choose the DorProject Institute for design?

​​Our company has been in the road construction market since 1960, and all this time design and supervision have been our main services. There are no regions in Armenia where our team of engineers has not carried out road projects, not to mention the highways that connect the whole country (e.g., the North-South Highway).

​​We are constantly improving and developing our expertise. For example, during project supervision, our team notes any comments that arise and takes this information into account in the next projects. In addition, our engineers regularly monitor technological changes, methodologies, new developments, and knowledge in the road industry and apply these to their projects. This enables us to provide our customers with the opportunity to build safer, more durable, cheaper, and higher quality roads, streets, and transport facilities.